Michael Hauge

Michael Hauge is a story and script consultant, author and lecturer who works with writers and filmmakers on their screenplays, novels, movies and television projects. He is the author of Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds: The Guaranteed Way to Get Your Screenplay or Novel Read and of Writing Screenplays That Sell, (ISBN 0-06-272500-9) - now in its 32nd printing for Harper Collins - this book has become a definitive reference book for the film and television industries, turning Hauge to a recognized screenwriting guru.

His seminar with Chris Vogler, The Hero's 2 Journeys, has become one of the top-selling DVDs and CDs on story and screenwriting. Michael has coached writers, producers, stars and directors on projects for Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Kirsten Dunst, Charlize Theron and Morgan Freeman, and has worked with filmmakers and executives at major studios and television networks including Warner Bros., Paramount, Disney, Columbia, New Line, Joel Silver Productions, CBS, Lifetime and now Mills Street Productions. He has also presented seminars and lectures to more than 40,000 participants throughout the US, Canada and Europe. He is on the Advisory Board for Scriptwriter Magazine in London.

As of the September–October 2010 issue, Michael is a regular contributor to Creative Screenwriting magazine.

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